If you're a soapmaker - or even if you're a devoted hobbyist of another sort - you know that one of the greatest satisfactions for you is getting into your work or hobby, in creating once more. Three weeks ago, I HAD to make soap. I needed (and still do) to make soap to restock my inventory, but in the meantime, my desire was simply in making something for myself, in pushing the boundaries and in trying something new. That something new was lotion soap. I'd read about people making it, and I found numerous bottles of old lotion testers during the move that were too old to use as lotion, but that I couldn't bring myself to toss out. One of those was Satsuma, a delish Asian tangerine fragrance that's always been one of my favorites.
I opted to hot process this lotion in the crock pot, for no other reason than my own impatience. Well, that, and we were getting low on soap for the shower. I was surprised to note that the lotion had managed to retain much of its scent, and my relief came when I discovered I had just enough Satsuma fragrance oil for the batch. It was a weird experience, mostly in that my soap seemed to seize in the crock pot, which is pretty much unheard of. Usually seizing happens in cold process and is often caused by reactions with particular fragrance oils. This soap was thick without added fragrance, with 10% extra water and a shorter cooking time. Regardless, I managed to get some color added and layered it in my mould - sort of - more like glumping layers. I'd hoped for a lighter orange, but my daughter was "supervising" and I was a little distracted when I was mixing up my colorant (a very child-safe process, by the way).
My dearly beloved expressed his opinion of the moulded soap: "It looks like something the cat hocked up on top." Um, thanks, darling. OK, so it did.

Thankfully, it didn't stay looking like that. Here's what that same soap looks like sliced.I opted to hot process this lotion in the crock pot, for no other reason than my own impatience. Well, that, and we were getting low on soap for the shower. I was surprised to note that the lotion had managed to retain much of its scent, and my relief came when I discovered I had just enough Satsuma fragrance oil for the batch. It was a weird experience, mostly in that my soap seemed to seize in the crock pot, which is pretty much unheard of. Usually seizing happens in cold process and is often caused by reactions with particular fragrance oils. This soap was thick without added fragrance, with 10% extra water and a shorter cooking time. Regardless, I managed to get some color added and layered it in my mould - sort of - more like glumping layers. I'd hoped for a lighter orange, but my daughter was "supervising" and I was a little distracted when I was mixing up my colorant (a very child-safe process, by the way).
My dearly beloved expressed his opinion of the moulded soap: "It looks like something the cat hocked up on top." Um, thanks, darling. OK, so it did.
While not the most appetizing looking soap in its barest form, it's simply luscious in use. The scent is softly citrus that lingers on skin. The lotion, as expected, did cut down on some of the lather, but there's still enough to please me, as well as superior moisturizing properties. Even with my preggo hormone-ravaged skin that's been uncharacteristically dry all summer, this soap has managed to keep my skin soft and supple. As my daughter says, "Like it, love it!"
This first lotion soap was just for personal use, but look for other lotion soaps to come in the next few months.
Since Im not a soaper-just a soapee, I've never heard of this type of soap. It sounds amazing. I can't wait to try it, make sure you post when its for sale :)
Also, as far as the 1st pic-I think it looks like fudge-a bit lighter, but kind of like the creamsicle fudge I had on vacation.
MMMMM (PS I LOVE satsuma)
Someone - I think - mentioned doing it on the WSP forum, which gave me the idea. One of my soapbuds also said it looks fudgy. I don't have any more of this Satsuma FO, and I DO have 8 bars of this soap left, so I can part with one if you're interested. Email or PM me.
Where can we buy these soaps? Are you on Etsy or elsewhere? I'd love to look and see what you have..what a great idea for early Christmas shopping.
You can order off my site at www.SarasSoapsnSuch.com. I look forward to serving you, and please email me at sara@sarassoapsnsuch.com if you have any other questions.
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