Sixty-four... what? Bars of soap? Sometimes! Bottles of lotion? Possibly. Tubes of lip balm? Nope.
Sixty-four ounces of water daily. This is my favorite and easiest fitness trick. I start with 16 ounces when I take my morning pills - eight for my multivitamin, another eight for my Claritin. This is a hard goal to reach when it's 35 degrees and cloudy outside. After all, who wants to put even tap cold water into a body already bundled up against the cold? However, as the days get warmer and more humid, that 64 ounces is very attainable.
I use water to stave off cravings, too. My family gave me a scrumptious Andes Mint Cheesecake for Mother's Day, some of which is still in the fridge. Last night I was thinking, "Hm, a slice of that sure would be good!" Then I remembered something a friend told me one time: "Hunger can also be your body's way of telling you you're dehydrated." That stuck with me, and often when I find myself really wanting a sweet something (like a slice of cheesecake), I instead bypass the fridge and pantry and refill my water cup. Works almost every time (though I'm not opposed to grabbing a Kiss from the bowl, either).
Question... What's your favorite and easiest fitness trick?
Doing the Mediterranean Diet on a Budget
3 years ago
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