16 January 2014

Meet Mary

I am so excited to have the opportunity and privilege of introducing you to a very special big girl.  This is Mary, and she is the Vice President of Marketing and Product Development here at Sara's Soaps 'n Such.
Help me pay for college. Buy soap!
 She's also the Chief Operating Officer of Girly Arts Made by ME, a line of products Designed by an elementary school girl for elementary school girls ™.  Mary is the mastermind behind Sun on the Go, and is the creator and designer of Victorian Heart Soaps.  She's so talented and so creative!  I'm fortunate to have her on my team.  Her boundless determination and enthusiasm are infectious; nothing is not-doable in her world.

When she's not designing and creating new products, Mary is either tearing down the soccer field, designing and sewing clothes for her doll, or reading.  She loves mysteries and, as is typical for most young ladies, girly novels.  Currently, the Harry Potter series has completely engaged her.  In the summer, Mary spends a lot of her time at the beach, playing with her sister and boogie boarding with whoever she meets there.

You are going to have the opportunity to get to know Mary better through her writing.  Starting next week, Mary will be contributing to this blog at least a couple of times a month in a feature called "Mary's Thoughts."  She's going to be telling you all about the new products she has in the works, as well as give you glimpses into the things she learns and discovers in her everyday life that will impact how she serves her customers.  Her first article will post on Monday, 20 January, so be sure to keep an eye out for it.

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